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#ec32ca hex color - Red - Warm color - Information

#ec32ca hex color - Red - Warm color

Color Hue/Base color: Red

Hex #ec32ca Color code in RGB color code model is created after adding 92.55% red color, 19.61% green color and 79.22% blue color. Hex #ec32ca Color code in CMYK color (process color) code model is generated after subtraction of 0% cyan, 79% magenta, 14% yellow and 7.45% black.

Hex #ec32ca color code is between #ee33cc web safe hex color code and #dd22bb web safe hex color code. #ee33cc is the nearest web safe color code. You can see here many more shades of #ec32ca color code.

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RGB Chart

RGB Chart using SVG and CSS mix-blend-mode: lighten;

Color Table

Hex Color Code ec32ca #ec32ca
RGB Decimal 236, 50, 202 rgb(236, 50, 202)
RGB Percent 93%, 20%, 79% rgb(93%, 20%, 79%)
CSS RGBa 236, 50, 202,1 rgba(236,50,202,1)
CMYK Model cmyk(0%,79%,14%,7.45%)
HSL Color Space 311,83% ,56% hsl(311,83% ,56%)
HSV Color Space 311°, 79%, 93%
Color Temperature It's a Warm color

Color in numbers

Type Red Green Blue
Binary 11101100 00110010 11001010
Octal 354 62 312
Decimal 236 50 202
Hex ec 32 ca

Different shades of #ec32ca color code.

Different color shades are produced by adding adding white or black (respectively). Generate more color shades with shades generator.

Light Shade of #ec32ca
Dark Shade of #ec32ca
Saturated Shade of #ec32ca
Desaturated Shade of #ec32ca
Grey scale Shade of #ec32ca
Brighten Shade
Most Readable Shade

Shades of #ec32ca color code

Generate more color scales with scales (color stack) generator.


Similar Color like #ec32ca color

Find visually similar hex color codes nearing to #ec32ca hex color. Similar colors can help you tweak and adjust for your project until it’s just right.


Monochromatic Color with #ec32ca


Tints of #ec32ca Color


Color Schemes

A good color harmony is perfect looking color combinations or colors that look good together. Everyone from designers to developers are looking for colors that go well together. Color schemes above are different relative position on color spectrum. Using them together will create aesthetic looks.



Complimentary Colors are colors on opposite sides of the color wheel that goes well together.

Split Complementary


Split Complimentary Colors are two secondary colors with one color as the main color. Secondary colors be used for accents and highlights.

Analogous Color


Analogous colors are a slight variation in one color or related colors or neighboring colors on either side of color wheel . Example like Red, Orange and Yellow with red as central color. An analogous color scheme creates a rich, monochromatic look. Analogous scheme lacks contrast and is not as vibrant as complementary schemes.

Triadic Color


The primary colors are Red, Green Blue. They are an example of a triadic color scheme. Put a triangle on color wheel and find all three triadic colors. Triadic color schemes are vibrant with high color contrast with color harmony.

Tetrad/Square Color


Tetrad/Square Color is vibrant, positive and colorful color scheme. Its a diverse color scheme, Google, Microsoft, Slack & eBay uses in their color logos.

Double Complementary Color


Double Complementary is Four color (a mix of primar and secondary colors) scheme with two colors (hues) are next to each other on the color wheel are paired with two adjacent colors (hues) on the opposite side. For examle Red (Primary) and Orange (Secondary) with adjacent to Blue (Primary) and Green (Secondary).

Hex #ec32ca Color Code use in CSS Color, CSS Font/Text Color, CSS Background Color, CSS Border Color, CSS placeholder color, CSS rgba, Box Shadow Color, Text Shadow color.

#ec32ca Color Code Preview on Black Background Color

This is how #ec32ca Color will look on black background color. Color contrast ratio is 5.88

#ec32ca in use for CSS Font/Text Color

HTML with inline CSS

<p style="color:#ec32ca">Your Example Paragraph content text in with font color #ec32ca </p>

Your Example Paragraph content text in with font color #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="color:#ec32ca">Your Paragraph text in with font color #ec32ca </div>

Your Example Paragraph content text in with font color #ec32ca

#ec32ca color code is use for CSS Background Color

Background color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="background-color:#ec32ca;"></div>

#ec32ca color code is use for CSS Border Color

CSS Border color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="border:5px solid #ec32ca;"></div>

CSS Border Left color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="border-left:5px solid #ec32ca;"></div>

CSS Border Right color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="border-right:5px solid #ec32ca;"></div>

CSS Border Bottom color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="border-bottom:5px solid #ec32ca;"></div>

CSS Border Top color for the above div is #ec32ca

HTML with inline CSS

<div style="border-top:5px solid #ec32ca;"></div>

#ec32ca hex Color code used as CSS color Codes

Example CSS Class for usage

.examplebgclass {background-color:#ec32ca; } .examplecolorclass {color:#ec32ca; } .examplebordercolor {border:3px solid #ec32ca; }

#ec32ca Color code Preview on White Background

This is how #ec32ca Color code will look on white background color. Color contrast ratio is 3.57

Different text-shadow examples and usage

coming soon...

CSS3 text-shadow and box-shadow Usage

Example CSS Class for usage

.exampleTextShadowClass { text-shadow: 4px 4px 2px #ec32ca; } .exampleBoxShadowClass { box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #ec32ca; }

Gradient Background

Beautiful Colored Gradient Background. Find awesome Gradient backgrounds for your next project.

Gradient Text

Find Gradient Text for your next project.


      linear-gradient(217deg, rgba(236,50,202,0.8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 70.71%), 
      linear-gradient(127deg, rgba(50,236,84,0.8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 70.71%), 
      linear-gradient(336deg, rgba(236,50,202,0.8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 70.71%);
	  background-clip: text;
	  text-fill-color: transparent;

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